I have started to really focus on the upcoming Rickshaw Run that Stacie, Paul and I are participating in. We need to get busy raising money!! But we also need a logo and help in designing a brochure to give to people and businesses. I think a few friends have stepped up to help with the logo and i'm peicing together the content for the brochure. My plan is to have something done by the beginning of Aug!!! eek.
One step has been completed already and it's our fundraising pages! If you are a reader of the blog then go check it out and donate!! Even if all you can give is 5 pounds that is excellent! Every little bit helps us out to our goal. I've not done the fundraising push quite yet.. but as soon as I get this brochure I will be going strong. But we already got one donation from a friend here in India and I was SOOO happy! Seriously so excited. I've never done a fundraising thing like this before, so it was really exciting to get an unsolicited donation.
Anyhow.. the donation pages are:
http://www.justgiving.com/karmakab (For Mercy Corps)http://www.justgiving.com/karmakab3 (Frank Water)
I'll keep you updated on whats happening with it all. Soon we will be putting folo in driving school and then the three of us will be learning to drive the rickshaw! And in the meantime we are thinking and plotting of how to decorate our little vehicle so any and all ideas are welcome.